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Our Vision

A recurring theme in the organization of Oversluizen is TOGETHER. Oversluizen is a customer-oriented company, that thinks solutions, not problems. Growing with the market, and knowledge of new regulations is essential in this.

Our customers are looking for suppliers who do what they promise, but who are also willing to join the thinking process and who understand and propagate the importance of cohesion. Taking into account the ultimate goal, we provide solid products that can be considered innovative, in addition to practical.

Small series require unique solutions. With regard to the design criteria, piping, construction, design, noise, vibrations etc need to be observed, in which the requirements vary for each cooling unit. The strength of Oversluizen is in reaching a solution TOGETHER, in sometimes impossible situations, by providing a tailor-made product.

Do you have questions about one of our services?

Oversluizen is always ready to help you with specific questions. Contact us directly!